Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Farmer's Market

I went to the farmer's market with Mama. Then ran around with Papi.

This last picture is a stadium that the People's Republic of Chine gave to Costa Rica as a gift. They even brought in the workers. As it stands now they are 6 month ahead of schedule. All because they brought their own people. :} If they hadn't I'm sure it would be 2 years behind schedule.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I've finish!

Today I finished my first scarf! I'm very proud of it and the plushie this it's just the right size for her. Papi and I were planning to go shopping for gifts then go to see his doctor. But the traffic was horrid in San Jose so we ended up just going to the doctor. We got there at 3:30 for an appointment at 4:00 he was seen around 6:00 and left 20 minutes after. Ahh, tico time strikes again. So we headed home for dinner and bed. No much going on today but that is how life is here sometimes.

I'm being woken up early tomorrow so I can go to the market with Mama. And take tons of pictures ofcourse. Papi has another appointment tomorrow in the morning but after that we should be shopping.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Today started it as a DND with the normal eating, drinking (water) playing on the net, read.

But around 3:00 p.m. there is a phone call and Mama asks me if I want to go to the Movies with Carolina and Richardo around 4:30. Of course I say yes. I really didn't care what the movie was it would be nice just to get out of the house. Also, I know they are not going to take me to a movie that I couldn't understand. Around 3:30 my father says he is heading to the bank so I head out with him. We also had to run to a store for Mama. We end up talking about gay marriage, why I don't like certain thing about most religion and why I'm happy with what I believe. Heavy stuff, huh?

By the time we get back home it's 4:25 and I'm a little worried I'll not be able to change my cloths before they get here. But I forgot that I'm in Costa Rica and everything is on "Tico Time" where most people are 20 to 30 minutes late for almost everything. They ended up getting here around 5 and we headed off to the movie. I found out when I got in the car that we were going to see Avatar! I was very exited about seeing I had wanted to watch it when I got back to the states and now I don't have to worry. I really enjoyed the movie, it brought up some good points and I really appreciate it when a movie can make you think about how you live your life. I think the biggest thing I took away from Avatar was you have to think about how what you do effects the natural world around you. Also the graphic were KICK BUTT!!! The world that they live on was breath taking to say the very least. The only thing I didn't like was that we saw it in 3-D which gives me the worst headache. I think because I don't have 20/20 and it strains my eyes. Other then that, I was really delighted by the whole thing.

I give it a 8 out of 11!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Doctor's Party

So today was was normal. For the most part just hung around the house. We all went out to pick up a few things and I FINALLY got my Tico Times. I read through it finding out nothing too intersting is going on right now. We ate dinner and got ready for a Christmas party. The party was being held by my Papi's dentist with is also my (stay with me here) step-brother's wife's brother-in-law. And also the doctor who fixed Papi. We head to Heredia which is where Ricardo and Carolina live.

The party was tons of fun there were about 30 people there and lot of music and good snack food. There was a musician who was blind and sang beautilful. It was one of the time I felt bad for not knowing spanish better because I would have loved to talk with him. Max, the gentleman's name, was very outgoing, was flirting with all the ladies and seemed very happy. I danced with Papi and Mama at on point. There were some people who came in with a band at some point and everyone was dancing with them. They were dress up as important people in Costa Rica. Papi said that one of them was the President. Towards the end of the night they started to sing karaoke. Also, Carolina told me that there was a guy at the party that wanted to meet me. I told her that I had a boyfriend and that he need to know that before hand. It was okay he just wanted to talk to me. :sigh: His name was Tony and at some point I told him I was never baptist-ed and I swear his eyes got so big I almost fell out of my chair. It was just so funny. They say that he thought I was cool and wants to go to the movies but I think I will be washing my hair that night. :} We were there until 2:00 I think and we all had lot of fun. There are more pictures of facebook if you want to see more.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Night at the Theater

Most of the day was uneventful. I ate. I read (I've gotten to page 348 and I'm still disliking Bella. She's just annoying. The way she interacts with other people, I get the feeling deep down inside she feels like she is better then them. And she over-analyzes almost everything. Also I don't understand her obsession with Edward if she has never even liked anyone before. Edward is nice but there is just something missing with his character for me. But I have not stop reading yet so Cristina should be proud.) I knitted. I checked on the world. Sent a email to one BFFs. :P

This evening Mama and I and 2 of her friends when to the Teator Popular. I had been told early today that we where going to the thearter but I was not told to which one or what we were going to see OR when. Papi had to head to work for a meeting and when he got back we ate a wonderful combination of ground beef and potatoes along with rice and beads (of course). After that I went back to my room for a bit before I washed the dishes. After I was done washing I sat down and there was a knock at the door. It was Papi he asked me in a very smartalic way "So are you going to get dressed up or is that the best you have?" I told him no one ever told me when we were going so how was I to know that I should be changing cloth right now. His responce was "oh........ Well we are getting ready to leave in like.... 5 minutes." Thanks, Papi. So I get dressed and ready to go. We pick up Mama's friends, who's name's I have forgotten, then headed off.

While we drove through San Jose I realized I really didn't like S.J. proper. It was smelly, there was trash every where, the sidewalks are crowded, homeless all over the place and tons of traffic. It made me remember how much I liked Grecia. Yes, it was 20 miles away from the capital so we would have to drive if we needed gifts or anything really special. But it was quieter, quainter and I liked the weather there more. There were many times in the rainy season, I can remeber the clouds coming down and engulfing the apartment building Papi was living in at the time. I would go and sit outside and be in the clouds. It was lovely there. But in Pavas we are closer to Mama's family and S.J. so I guess it's okay.... for now

I found out later the the concert was to start at 8 but (because my watch battier died) I had no idea what time we got there or how long we waited until the show started.But it was not more then 15 minutes I should guess. We saw Orquesta Filarmonica and Malpais in concert. It was AWESOME! It was great music and everyone around was clapping and singing. They ended up having 4 encore songs which was also very nice. It seemed a lot more interactive then the few shows I have seen in the states.The concert should have ended at 10 but I think we got out of there 45 minutes after that. All in all, I had a great time.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More knitting and Twilight

Today I finished my little ball of yarn and Mama saod that we will go pick up some more so I can work can keep working. I don't know what I'm going to do with what I've made but I'm sure I'll think of something.

I have gotten to page 219 in Twilight and have not had to stop reading yet. But I have to say Have not read every word. When she gets to talking about him to much I skip over until she stops. I still have not read anything that makes me like her. I still think she is a little brat with social problem.

By The Way, sorry the post have been so short but as you can read not much has been going. Therefore, I really don't have much to write about. But if I end up going to the beach they will get longer. :}

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Knitting And Roommates

So today Mama started teaching me how to knit. Yes, yes how very domestic of me. (Blah blah blah! I can cook too!) I've been wanting to learn because I've seen that I really like doing two things at once and usually that other thing is being on the computer and doing something else. Which is not always nice or proper. So this seemed like a good way to stop being on the computer as much AND make gifts for people. It really just gives my hands something to constructive to do. Anyways back to learning to knit... one would think that the language barrier would be a problem but it didn't seem to be for this. I'm more of a "show me" then a "tell me" person. I can't think off the top of my head what "they" call that but I know that is what works best for me. So Mama would show me a few times how to do a stitch and then I would take over. She would watch for a few to see if I was doing it right then leave me to it. I think I'm doing okay. I was really having problems with the reverse stitch ... not that any of you really care the much. But it's fun to learn and share about it. "Sharing is caring!" :}

Also I found out tonight (while I was knitting) I have a cute roommate. He has not started making any noises yet which is very nice. But as long as he eats the bug that bite me or would make me sick he is more then welcome to share this room. And make as much noise as he can.

Monday, December 14, 2009

DND :}

Today was another Do Nothing Day which is fine for me. I'm happy sitting around hanging out/ teasing Papi and waiting until they figure out what to do with me. I've heard at some point I'm going out with Mama and her friends shopping I think. Another night I'm going to a work type party with Papi. Also at some point next week we might be heading to the playa if we can work things out.

The only real important thing I did today was check my eSantaFe to see what I got in my math class because if I passed that class I would Graduate (finally) with my A.A. And I DID! I got a B+ which makes me very happy only because my teacher grading scale was WAY off so I never really knew where I stood.

I should be starting Twilight soon. I have been putting it off because I really don't think I will like. ( And then I have no idea if I will have anything else to read. I guess I could check around and ask Papi but who knows with him.) I just really do not like what I have heard about the main girl Bella. I think she just need to grow a pair but my sister says that if I read the first book I will understand why she is the way she. I hate to say this but it better be something good because if it's just teen emotion I don't know if I will be able to finish it. I just couldn't stand the hype before and if I read and hate it I will just have to give crazy looks to anyone who say "OH I wish Edward was my boyfriend!!" or " I wish my boyfreind was more like Edward."

We shall see.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A "do nothing day"

When I woke up this morning and I asked Papi what the plan was and he said today was a do nothing day. We almost did nothing. :}

After breakfast we called my Aunt Tita and she came over to pick up some gifts so I talked with her for a bit and then they headed back home. After that it was pretty much reading, watching a movie and then checking the net. Around 6 Mama made dinner then Papi and I went to Costa Rica's version of Wal-mart. It really felt like one too it was crazy. We picked up a few thing and I found a cereal that I heard Wayne liked so I figured I would give it a try. After that we headed back to the house. At that point I found out that channel 62 was the food network and it just made my night! lol

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My first real DAY in C.R,

I woke up this morning to my cell phone alarm going off at 1000 which is 900 here. Not that early really. I got up made my bed (wow!) and walked out to get some coffee and breakfast. Mama and Papi were both up so I sat down to oatmeal and coffee. While I was eating on of Mama's friend came over so Papi and I chatted about this and that then I head into my room to send an email. While I was doing that Mama head out to get stuff from the farmer market that is right outside the house. (pictures coming later) When she got back we had a light lunch because Papi, Flaca and I are going to Fabian's house for a "party" type thing. And then I am sappoedto drive back from their house which should be tons of fun.

Now is a good time to tell you who everyone is, I took this from my bro-in-laws blog, so THANKS WAYNE!

"I know I’m throwing a lot of names around, and it’s a big family, so let’s pause for a minute and break it down. When Cristina’s parents divorced, Maritza became Ramon’s new wife. She has four children from a previous marriage:

Oldest: Fernando…married to Miranda, the Gringa (a person from the US)...children: Sophia
Middle: Irene…married to Edward (a Gringo)
Youngest (twins): Richardo…married to Carolina…children: Ricardito , Santiago, Maria Belen, and Maria Eva
Carmen…married to Fabian…children: Mariana and Andres"

Thanks again Wayne!

So we head over to Carmen and Fabian's house and along the way we picked up Flaca. As soon as we got there I found out that it was not a party it was a talent show! I said hello to everyone, got something to drink and got ready to take pictures. They were all chatting when suddenly they asked me what I was going to do. What?!?! I tried to get out of it but Papi said that I was going to say a poem or something. It started off with Mariana singing Shakira in English! I was very surprised. Then Fabin's mother when up and sang a song. Carmen and Mariana danced to Mozart. After that Fabian did a skit with Andres about a restaurant where you have to make everything you order. Papi was next and he said some poems and acted gay. Then it was time to break for refreshments. While we were outside Flaca and Fabian's sister (I guess) danced a typical Costa Rican dance for us. When we went back in inside it was Carolina with Santi and Maria Belen dancing to Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer then Papi and Mama danced. Fabian's father cut the skin off a stick of sugar cane and sang while doing so. The second to last act was Flaca, Carlina and Mariana dancing to more Shakira. And I was the last act. By that point I had come up with the idea that I was going to read Papi's palm. I had Papi translate and I thought it was cute and I even got a few laughs from everyone. After the talent show everyone kind of spread out and I was all of a sudden really tired so I sat down and had a nap.

OPPPS! I woke up a few HOURS later and Ricardo, Carolina and their kids had left and everyone else was watching a parade on the TV. Very soon after I woke up we headed home. When we got there Papi headed out to get me some food because I slept though dinner earlier. While he was doing that I got on FB chatted with my sister and then went and ate with Papi. Afterward, I helped him set up something and then headed off to bed to surf the web and then read a little.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Costa Rica Finally!!

So the flight here was not bad. We flew over Cuba and I tried to get a shot of some town. I had some coffee on the flight and felt a little bit better. While flying I watch Black Hawk Down which was a horrid idea. It made me cry before and I don't know why I think it would change now. After that I played Hot Brain. I figured if I was going to play a video game I would get one that would make me think not just react. When they handed out the paper work, I put it up and got to work.

When we finally landed the plan was about 45 minutes late. So the plane was parked away from the terminal. We had to disembark via a flight of steep stairs. As soon as I got off the stairs I took a deep breath of the air. (Which in different place has different smell but they just tell me I'm in Costa Rica and it's time to take it easy. I can't really describe was the airport air smells like but it not bad at all. For the most part the air seems very fresh here.) Then were packed in to buses and hauled to the terminal. After that it was off to immigrations which was very smooth and then baggage claim. Which was fun because I had to carry a 43 lb bag to customs ... not always an easy feat. Flew through customs and started the walk outside. Luckily I saw Papi through the glass but when I turned the corner :gasp: who do I see but Gabby!!

(For those of you who don't know Gabby was like my first, and maybe only, really friend here. I mean her whole family is friends with my family but we seemed to have a friendship as well.) I was very surprised to see her. I don't know when I saw her last. Maybe it was 3 years ago.... I'm not really sure. So I gave her a big hug and asked how she was and then did that same to my Papi. Flaca, who is also a family friend, was there too. We headed to the parking garage and were about to load up when Papi remember he needed a picture of everyone.

Me and Gabby were in the first picture and I was kind of joking with her and did a little tickle thing but she gave me a "back off look" so that is what I did. It seemed strange but I had no idea what was going on so I kind of brushed it off. Flaca and I took the next picture then we got in the car. As soon as we sat down Gabby pulled out a small notebook from her purse and start to write something out. To me that was not so odd beacause I remember when we were younger she kept a diary and I just figured she was writting down how annoying I was being. But a few minutes later she hands it to me. I read what she wrote then gave her my email.

We chatted in the car about all kinds of things. Gabby was telling me she was mad at my dad for some he had done, which I am not surprised about. We talked about what was going on tomorrow night and Fernando (one of my step-brothers) was living at the house. Also about how Papi was healing and what the doc said. We dropped Gabby off at her house which she shares with her boyfriend. ( GASP) Next was Flace and then home where Mama was waiting up. I gave her a big hug and kiss, told her I missed her and when she asked how I was I told her very hungry and in need of more coffee. The off she went to heat up some rice and beans and coffee while I unpacked some things.

After eating and talk about cell phone and my Papi's lack of red hair and how he was being a baby, he showed me how to turn on the internet. I finished moving my stuff around and started getting ready to write my blog then off to bed.

And now that I am done and feel like I am going to fall asleep on the keyboard I'm off to bed.

Tomorrow: Farmers market, learning to knit and the driving in Costa Rica. It's going to be a full day!

Miami International Airport - MIA

I'm in Miami and very hungry so I'm are going to get some vegatable at the Asian place that is close to my gate. Saddly I couldn't find a Starbuck but I will just get coffee on the plane and be happy with it.

I took a few more shots of the plushie when we boarded the plane but then she fell asleep and I didn't want to disturb her. Now they are saying the plane is going to be late so we will be arriving in Costa Rica late by about 15 minutes. I guess that is not that bad.

I can't wait to get to Costa Rica and relax. It's going to be my happy temperature like 75. And the fresh fruit, great food, lovely people, time with family and Christmas too!

We are boarding now so off I go into the dark black sky. :}

Orlando International Airport (MCO)

I'm sitting in the airport watching people watching me with a killer caffeine headache. I don't want to drink coffee right now because I know I will have some on the flight (or maybe some in Miami) and I don't want to O.D.

I am bring a Costa Rica 2009 trip mascot. So I will be taking pictures of her when I go places (when I can remember) BTW I don't have a name for her so if anyone can come up with a cute name I'm open to ideas.

She was playing the PSP while I was online and then we switched so I took a few shot. Also she has never been on a play or seen one before so she was checking out the planes. Then she wanted a picture in fron of the plane we were flying in to Miami.

We are getting ready to board so I must go but I have a small lay-over in Miami so I try to write more then.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2 more days!

To more day until I get to Costa Rica.

I have started packing and shopping for my dad.

I have taken my only final and we will see if I pass.

I can't wait until I get there I can just relax and hang out. I really hope I can go the beach. I love it there!

Also the food!! YUMMY! :} And I love my step-family down there too! They are all so nice and really make me feel like I have alway been one of them.

That all just a quick update for anyone who is out there.